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Program Definitions

  • 211/Information & Referral

    An easy to remember telephone number that connects people with important community services and volunteer opportunities.

  • BuyCar

    BuyCar can assist program participants with purchasing a vehicle through financial empowering training, including matching saved funds.

  • Early Head Start

    Early Head Start provides intensive child development and family services for children under the age of 3 and pregnant women.

  • Electric Partnership Program (EPP)

    The Electric Partnership Plan, in partnership with American Electric Power (AEP), provides assistance with lowering household utility bills.

  • Head Start

    Head Start is a federally-funded comprehensive school readiness programs for children aged 3-5 who meet eligibility guidelines.

  • Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)

    The Home Energy Assistance Program also known as LIHEAP (Low-income Home Energy Assistance Program) provides income-eligible Ohioans with a once-yearly payment applied directly towards their heating or cooling utility bill.

  • Home Relief Program

    The Home relief Program provides assistance with payments on past due utility bills, rent, mortgage, and water.

  • HWAP (The Home Weatherization Assistance Program)

    The Home Weatherization Assistance Program provides eligible Ohioans with assistance to improve the energy efficiency of their homes and reduce their energy costs.

  • Meals on Wheels

    Meals on Wheels provides eligible community members with home-delivered meals on a regular basis.

  • Ohio Household Water Assistance Program

    The Ohio Household Water Assistance Program provides income-eligible Ohioans assistance with their water.

  • Percentage of Income Payment Plan Plus (PIPP)

    The Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP) helps eligible Ohioans manage their energy bills year-round.

  • Summer Crisis Program (SCP)

    The HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program) Summer Crisis Program provides a once yearly benefit to eligible Ohioans for cooling assistance during the summer months, July 1 to September 30.

  • Warm Choice Program

    This program can provide income-eligible Ohioans a home inspection to determine what energy efficiency measures the household may qualify for.

  • Winter Crisis Program (WCP)

    The Winter Crisis Program can prevent or restore disconnected household heating utilities and services during the winter months, November 1 to March 31.

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