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City of Wooster Transportation

City of Wooster Fixed Route

City of Wooster Fixed Route Bus

City of Wooster Fixed Route

Need transportation within the City of Wooster? With a route that loops through 21 service locations across Wooster every hour, the Fixed Route Program has you covered.

Hours of operation: 7:00am – 9:00pm, Monday – Saturday

The public is welcome to ride the City of Wooster Fixed Route, a transit service managed by Community Action Wayne/Medina (CAW/M) and powered by SHARE mobility. Passes may be purchased at CAW/M, located at  905 Pittsburgh Ave, Wooster OH.  CAW/M office hours are 8am to 5pm, Monday through Thursday. If you need help in this process or have any questions, call  (330) 264-8677  and ask for the Transportation Coordinator.

Pass Prices

  • One way:  $2.00
  • Day Pass:  $5.00
  • Week Pass$20.00
  • Month Pass:  $50.00

Some riders may qualify for financial assistance based on income status, age, military service, or disability. If you think this may apply to you, visit the Wooster Transportation Assistance Program page to learn more. Participants of the Wooster Transportation Program will receive a Program ID. Please have your current Program ID ready for the driver upon boarding the vehicle.

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