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Resources & Referral

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We work to connect all customers with programs to meet both immediate and future needs. Our dedicated partners have worked to support our customers with any need that may extend throughout our service areas. We provide partner referrals and can also provide information for additional community resources. 

Referral Services

In the event that CAW/M does not offer services that address your needs, you can connect with our United Way partners to connect with local agencies and resources to help.  

The United Way of Wayne and Holmes Counties

Knowing that you need help is one thing…finding someone who can help you is another. United Way’s WHIRE can link you to resources such as rent and utility assistance, food, health-related services, homeless services, foreclosure information, senior services, family counseling, support groups, and parenting resource information. WHIRE - Wayne Holmes Information Referral Exchange is designed to provide you with information and referrals using an extensive database of community resources. Use the Search to find the resources and help you need. If you have any questions or problems using the search feature please reach out to us at: (330) 264-5576

The United Way of Summit Medina

Free, confidential, and available 24/7, 211 has information on thousands of services for Summit and Medina County residents, including supplemental food and nutrition programs, prenatal care, mental health services, and more.  211 helps people of all ages and all walks of life, including youth and families, individuals with disabilities, and veterans.

Simply dial 2-1-1 to speak to a trained professional, search for resources and services on the 211 website, or text your zip code to 898-211 for assistance via text.

A significant number of seniors grapple with economic challenges, affecting one in three adults over 65. Governments at various levels have recognized this and have implemented programs to assist with housing, healthcare, transportation, and more. However, understanding and accessing these programs can be overwhelming for seniors and their families.

SeniorHousing.Net has developed a guide that outlines these government aid programs in a user-friendly format, making it a much smoother process for seniors to find the support they need.  You can access the guide here:  

Our Sponsors