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Energy & Economic Assistance

Required Documents for Economic Assistance Programs

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A household is defined as anyone living under your roof.

  • Photo ID (Driver’s license or State ID)
  • Social Security Cards for all household members
  • Proof of disability if disabled
  • Proof of U.S. citizenship for all household members(U.S. birth certificate/ hospital birth record, U.S. passport, U.S. voter registration card, OWF award letter, U.S. military record, or other government documents that specify U.S. citizenship)
  • Most recent utility bills (gas and electric) Non-Regulated utility customers will need to provide corresponding bills showing the electric portion amount and co-payment for the non-electric balance.
  • Landlord’s name, address & phone number (a lease is required for all new services)
  • Proof of income:
      • 30-day verification from ALL sources for ALL household members that are 18 years of age and older including, but not limited to weekly/bi-weekly paystubs, social security/SSDI, VA or disability benefits, pensions, unemployment, TANF, utility allowance
      • 12-month verification is needed for self-employment and seasonal employment (teachers, construction workers, landscapers and etc.).
      • Most recently filed IRS 1040 is also required.
  • If the household income is below 30% of the federal poverty guidelines, you may be required to provide further documentation to process your application. 
    • Such documentation may include: 
      • letters of support (signed and dated with the address and phone number of those individuals with specific details/amounts of assistance), child support received, gifts, foster care, adoption assistance, VA disability, senior employment, Ohio waiver program, income earned by dependent minors, tax refunds/rebates, military allowances, PRC, FEMA, proceeds from a reverse mortgage, IRS Tax Transcripts.
      • All Household members claiming zero income must be present and complete a self-declaration form.
      • All zero-income HOUSEHOLDS must provide an IRS tax transcript or verification of non-filing.
        • This can be done by:
          • Phone: 1-800- 908-9946 (this method requires the customer to provide their Social Security Number, date of birth, street address, and zip code. Please allow 5 to 10 calendar days)
          • In Writing:
            • Internal Revenue Service (IRS) - Return and Income Verification Services (RAIVS) Team, PO Box 145500, Stop 2800 F, Cincinnati, Ohio 45250
          • Fax:  #1-859-669-3592
          • Online Transcript Request
          • Visiting a local IRS Office:
            • Akron Office- 2 S. Main St., Akron, OH 44308
            • Canton Office- 301 McKinley Ave. SW., Canton, OH 44702
            • Mansfield Office- 180 N. Diamond St., Mansfield, OH 44902

As explained above, the below forms may be required to process your application:

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