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Child & Family Development

Head Start & Early Head Start

image of children running

Head Start is a federally funded preschool program for children ages 3-5. Early Head Start is designed for designed for pregnant women and children birth to 3 years. Both programs use a two-generational, comprehensive approach to ensuring children and their caregivers are school-ready.

CAW/M is the sole grantee for both Head Start and Early Head Start services in Wayne and Medina Counties. We serve 373 HS children and 165 EHS children at any given time in our center-based and home-based programs.

Center-Based Head Start

Head Start services are offered at eight locations, four in each county. Most classes operate on a part-day, part-year basis with two 3.5-hour sessions per day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Four centers offer 6 ½ -hour classes on a part-year basis, Orrville, Rittman, West Salem, and Lodi. The program year runs from late August until mid-May.

In addition to the part-day, part-year classes, CAW/M offers one full working day session at the Wooster 3 and Lodi locations. Priority is given to families with an Ohio Job and Family Services Childcare Voucher. Hours of extended enrollment are based on caregivers’ work hours.

All of CAW/M’s centers are 5-star Step Up to Quality rated, the highest possible rating. Step Up to Quality is a program through the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services that certifies a program exceeds the minimum standards for child care.

Home-Based Head Start & Early Head Start

Both Head Start and Early Head Start are available as home-based services. This option includes a once-weekly home visit lasting a minimum of 1.5 hours by a trained Family Visitor in addition to twice-monthly socialization activities designed to give adults and children an opportunity to interact and learn with their peers. EHS Home Base services are year-round, while HS Home Based services operate on a part-year basis.

All of CAW/M’s centers are 5-star Step Up to Quality rated, the highest possible rating. Step Up to Quality is a program through the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services that certifies a program exceeds the minimum standards for child care.

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